
            Hi, my name is Malcolm  and what can I say? I'm a chinese who's a little obsessed with cake and all things sweet. Yes I love cake so much! I love baking them, decorating them, looking at them, sharing them, eating them and now blogging about them.

    I started baking cakes a few years ago simply because I love cake. I'm inspired by their bakeries in all around world. I remember looking through the bakery windows and  see these beautiful cakes, mostly chiffon cream cakes decorated with fresh fruits. It's quite hard to get cake like these in the Malaysia so I thought why not try and make them myself at home and so I did.
        From then on, when there is any family member's birthday I would always bake them a  cake. The more I made, the more I improved. The more positive comments I got the more confident I became baking these cakes and now I take the occasional order for these cakes and cupcakes (made in my home kitchen). All cake photos you see on my blog are all my bakes unless stated.

        Thank you so much for taking time of your busy day and visiting me. I love positive comments and feedback. Have a question for me or just want to say hi? I would love to hear from you.Thank you so much  and I hope you will enjoy looking through my blog.